Thursday, June 15, 2017

Social Media Marketing for Business

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

In a time when people are highly connected to the internet and bring their mobile device almost everywhere, it makes a lot of sense for business to emphasize on its digital marketing effort. While there are many kinds of digital marketing, such as search engine optimization (SEO) and email marketing, one of the most effective one is social media marketing.
Looking at the number of people who have social media accounts, this type of marketing can surely reach a large audience. Here are some of its other benefits:

1.       Build brand image

By setting up accounts on social media, brand can establish a strong online presence. Constantly updating the contents and actively engaging with customers will increase the brand exposure, which results in the brand being on top of the customers’ mind.

2.       Cultivate customer loyalty

Through social media, brand can provide extra value for the customers by giving valuable information. Offering exclusive online discount, sneak peek, and competition are some ways to engage the customer. Apart from that, quick response to customer feedback will also give a good impression to gain their trust.

3.       Increase profit

In many social media, it is possible to link your page to others. For example, you can put a link to your website on your social media profile. Some even provide calls-to-action such as a “buy now” button, which can help convert your social media traffic into sales. In addition, you can also organize a brand related event to build up enthusiasm.

Social Media Platforms

While they may share many similarities, each social media has its own unique characteristics. Here are some popular social media platforms:

1.       Facebook: The most widely used social media, it is very effective to build an online image. By utilizing Facebook, brand can do a lot of things such as getting real time feedback, post images and videos, create poll, events, and do live streaming.
2.       Twitter: While it limits status update to only 140 words, Twitter is highly effective tool to engage with the customers. Its reply, retweet, and quote tweet features means that the social media is emphasized on creating a fun, two-way conversation between customer and brand.
3.       Instagram: Focusing on image and visual, Instagram is a powerful tool for brand to get the customer attention. Curating a nice feed, actively commenting and liking pictures are good ways to gain a following.

Social Media Marketing Strategy

To execute a successful social media campaign, it is recommended to have a clear strategy in mind. First, expected goals and targets need to be defined. These goals can be in terms of response, number of clicks, or profit. Then, identify the target market. It will affect how the campaign is executed, which social media platforms to use, and so on. The brand should also maintain consistency on the social media. For example, contents must be updated regularly and using the same tone in the status updates. Through a carefully planned social media marketing strategy, brand will be able to engage customers and boost sales.

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